How many videos can you have on Loom for free

How many videos can you have on Loom for free?

How Many Videos Can You Have on Loom for Free? In today’s digital age, video communication has become an essential…

How Many Videos Can You Have on Loom for Free? In today’s digital age, video communication has become an essential tool for individuals and businesses alike. With the rise of remote work and online learning, platforms like Loom have gained popularity for their seamless video recording and sharing capabilities. However, many users wonder how many videos they can have on Loom for free. Let’s dive into the details.

Loom, a cloud-based video messaging platform, offers both free and paid plans to its users. The free plan allows individuals to record and store videos, making it an attractive option for those on a budget. But what are the limitations?

Video Limitations on Loom’s Free Plan

On the free plan, Loom provides users with 5GB of storage space. This means you can store a certain number of videos depending on their size. For example, if your videos are an average of 100MB each, you can store approximately 50 videos. However, it’s important to note that this number may vary depending on the size and quality of your recordings.


Q: Can I delete videos to free up space on Loom’s free plan?
A: Yes, you can delete videos to make room for new recordings. By removing unwanted videos, you can continue using Loom without exceeding the storage limit.

Q: What happens if I exceed the storage limit on Loom’s free plan?
A: If you exceed the storage limit, you will need to upgrade to a paid plan to continue using Loom. The paid plans offer additional storage options and other advanced features.

Q: Can I download videos from Loom’s free plan?
A: Yes, you can download your videos from Loom’s free plan. This allows you to save them locally on your device or share them through other platforms.

In conclusion, Loom’s free plan provides users with a generous amount of storage space for their videos. However, it’s important to keep track of your storage usage to avoid exceeding the limit. By understanding the limitations and utilizing the available features, you can make the most out of Loom’s free plan for your video communication needs.